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Transition Services

What is Pre-ETS


Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) programming is designed to provide job exploration, counseling and other services to help young people prepare for employment and self-reliance. Work-based learning experiences help students identify vocational interests, aptitudes, and preferred work environments.

In collaboration with local school districts and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation office (DVRS), The Arc of Cape May County will work with students who are in need of such services including:

  • Job Exploration Counseling
  • Counseling and Guidance services on comprehensive transition, vocational training, industry-recognized credential programs and post school training programs
  • Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living
  • Instruction in self-advocacy

How can I Access Pre-ETS?


Students may ask their teacher or family to help schedule an appointment with the local Vocational Rehabilitation Office and our office. The Arc receives the referrals from the Vocational Rehabilitation office and will begin working with the students, teachers, and families on the Pre-ETS curriculum.



  • Must be age 14-21
  • Must be enrolled in school (middle school, high school, technical school or college)
  • Must be receiving special education or related services OR determined to have a disability



Contact Tiffany Gonzalez at tiffany.gonzalez@arcofcapemay.org